We are an international standard educational institution dedicated to young Muslims.

As a favored Islamic school, it operates under the auspices of the Auliya Insan Utama Foundation and encompasses four educational levels: TK, SD, SMP and SMA.

Our Vision

To be an international standard Islamic school that nurtures the ready-for-the-changing-world generation.

Our Mission

To build relevant competencies

To deliver innovative curriculum with active learning and proper assessment

To perform international level of school standards

Leaders Greetings

Founder and Chairwoman of Yayasan Auliya Insan Utama

Starting with early childhood education, we have grown to include primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary schools.

Auliya School has thrived, following the philosophy of nurturing a tree. Its roots are deeply anchored, its trunk and branches reach high into the sky, and its foliage is lush and fruitful.

For over 30 years, Auliya has earned the trust of parents and successfully educated thousands of students. Thanks to the support of various partners, Auliya has become the top choice for families seeking to prepare their children as leaders equipped to face the challenges of a changing world.

We are committed to fostering each child’s growth and empowering them to become exceptional future leaders.

Chief of Yayasan Auliya Insan Utama

We are dedicated to not only achieving academic excellence for our students but also to offering a global perspective, advanced thinking skills, and creativity, all based on strong Islamic and Qur’anic principles.

Our goal is to create a school that works closely with parents to support their children’s growth in all areas—intellectual, spiritual, relational, physical, and emotional.

We believe that combining the Merdeka curriculum, Islamic values, and Cambridge standards will prepare our students to thrive in a changing world.

As an international-standard Islamic school, Auliya focuses on continuous improvement and excellence, ensuring our students are well-prepared for their future successes.

Director of Sekolah Auliya

With over 160 competent, righteous, and dedicated teachers, Auliya goes beyond delivering knowledge and information. We nurture with love and create memorable experiences through a diverse range of intracurricular and extracurricular activities in 62 engaging classrooms across our early years, primary, lower secondary, and higher secondary levels.

Accredited with an A grade, Auliya offers comprehensive learning facilities including a mosque and prayer rooms, four computer laboratories, four libraries, a science laboratory, a grand ballroom, two auditoriums, a sports hall, three basketball courts, three futsal courts, and a playground.

Thank you, parents, for making Auliya a trusted and favored Islamic school, with over 16,000 alumni and more than 1,600 active students. Additionally, over 80% of our high school alumni continue their studies at prestigious universities both nationally and internationally.

We invite you to visit and collaborate with Auliya in nurturing and developing all the potentials of your children.

The Tree Philosophy

اَلَمۡ تَرَ كَيۡفَ ضَرَبَ اللّٰهُ مَثَلًا كَلِمَةً طَيِّبَةً كَشَجَرَةٍ طَيِّبَةٍ اَصۡلُهَا ثَابِتٌ وَّفَرۡعُهَا فِى السَّمَآءِۙ

Do you not see how Allah compares a good word to a good tree? Its root is firm and its branches reach the sky,

تُؤۡتِىۡۤ اُكُلَهَا كُلَّ حِيۡنٍۢ بِاِذۡنِ رَبِّهَا​ؕ وَيَضۡرِبُ اللّٰهُ الۡاَمۡثَالَ لِلنَّاسِ لَعَلَّهُمۡ يَتَذَكَّرُوۡنَ‏

˹always˺ yielding its fruit in every season by the Will of its Lord. This is how Allah sets forth parables for the people, so perhaps they will be mindful.

QS 14; 24-25

Like a seed nurtured to become a strong tree, we embark on a journey to unlock each student’s inherent goodness and competencies.

Auliya at a Glance

Jadilah bagian dari Sekolah Auliya dan bersiap untuk perubahan dunia.

1 Ratoh Jaroe Juara Favorit 1 Ratoh Jaroe – Piala Bergilir Gubernur Aceh Nasional
2 Juara 1  – ASCA Jabodetabek
3 Grand Prize Super Cup Performing Arts Competition – Barcelona, Spain Internasional
4 Juara 1 Ratoh Jaroe Ruang Karya Festival Jabodetabek
5 Marching Band Juara 1 Ensambel Pianika – Batavia Marching Band Open Competition Nasional
6 Palang Merah Remaja Juara 2 Cerdas Cermat – Lomba Semangat Bela Negara usia remaja PMR tingkat Madya Jabodetabek
7 Juara 2 Mading 3D – Lomba Semangat Bela Negara usia remaja PMR tingkat Madya Jabodetabek
8 English Club Juara 1 Spelling Bee – English First Kota
9 Juara 2 Spelling Bee – English First Kota
10 Basket Juara 3 Basket – PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
11 Pramuka  Dilantik Sebagai Pramuka Garuda Kota
12 Duta Perubahan Perilaku – Wali kota Kota
13 Peserta Kemah Bela Negara – Kalimantan Selatan Nasional
14 Peserta Jambore Dunia di Seoul Korea Selatan Internasional
15 Juara 1 Yel-yel Pangkalan Scout Competition Jabodetabek
16 Kelompok Ilmiah remaja (KIR) Juara 2 Karya Tulis Ilmiah Science PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
17 Juara Harapan 2 Karya Tulis Ilmiah Science PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
18 Badminton Juara 1 Badminton Ganda Putri AFESCA 2024 Jabodetabek
19 Juara 2 O2SN Badminton Putra Kota Tangerang Selatan Kota
20 Academic Club Juara 2 Olimpiade IPS PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
21 Juara 1 LKTIN Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Airforce Fair V 2023 Nasional
22 Juara Harapan 1 Cerdas Cermat SainsQu PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
23 Solo Vocal Juara 2 Solo Vocal moonzher cup Kota
24 Taekwondo juara 1 Taekwondo- Tangerang Kota
25 Panahan Juara 3 Panahan Putri PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
26 Renang Juara 1 O2SN Renang Putri tingkat Kecamatan Kecamatan
27 Juara 3 Lomba Renang Putra – PORSSITEQU JSIT Banten Provinsi
28 Academic (Individu) Juara 1 Olimpiade English – OPN Olimpiade Pelajar Nasional – Nasional Nasional
29 Medali emas – OPN Olimpiade Pelajar Nasional – Nasional Nasional
30 Medali emas – OSBN Olimpiade Siswa Berprestasi Nasional – Nasional Nasional
31 Medali Perunggu Matematika – POSN 2023 [Nasional] Nasional
32 ONMIPASA Matematika : Medali Emas Nasional
33 ONMIPASA PKN : Medali perak Nasional
34 ONMIPASA IPS : medali emas Nasional
35 Prominensa 2023 – IPA : Medali emas Nasional
36 AKSI 2023 – (IPS, Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Indonesia, IPA) > Medali Emas Nasional
37 OSBN 2023 Matematika : Medali Emas Nasional
38 OSBN 2023 Fisika : Medali emas. Nasional
39 OSBN 2023 Kimia & Biologi : Medali perak Nasional
40 KSB 2023 [Nasional] – (Fisika, Biologi, IPA, Matematika, Kimia) > Medali Emas Nasional
41 POSSI 2023 [Nasional] – (Ips biologi, bahasa indonesia, ipa) > Medali Emas. Pkn : Medali perak Nasional
42 FSN 2023 [Nasional] – (kimia, informatika, ips, english) > emas . Biologi : Medali Perak Nasional
43 Opsilon ke 9 termasuk dalam 25 besar [Nasional] Nasional
44 PPSI 2024 Juara 2 IPS & Juara 3 Fisika Tingkat Nasional Nasional